Alena Netunilova 1

Alena Netušilová has been named as FAI International Gliding Commission (IGC) Champion Pilot of the Year 2023 for winning the 18m class at the 2023 FAI Women's World Gliding Championships in Soria, Spain. This was her second World Champion title, which contributed to the overall victory of the Czech Women's national team.

Alena started her career as a glider pilot when she and her classmate noticed a flyer during their high school studies that the local aeroclub was recruiting brave boys for glider pilot training. Together, they decided to sign up and show that gliding was not a sport just for men.

This was in 1986. Alena then started her racing career in 1991, gaining second place at the Women Federal Gliding Championship of the Czechoslovak Republic.
A distinguished career

She has been competing in the European and World Women’s Championships since 1993 and has stood on the podium no less than six times, and twice won the title of World Champion.

IGC Champion Pilot
The Champion Pilot of the Year award was created to recognise the top performance in FAI World Gliding Championships. Each Championship calendar year, the FAI World Champion with the highest score is named the IGC Champion Pilot of the Year and is also awarded the World Soaring Cup.

Alena Netunilova