WWGC Lake Keepit Team Winners

WWGC Lake Keepit Concludes Champions Declared

The closing ceremony of the WWGC Lake Keepit saw the French team receive the gold medal for their combined peformance followed by Great Britain with silver and Italy receiving the bronze medal. France dominated the 18m Class with a consistent performances by top class pilots…

10 Days Racing at WWGC Lake Keepit

The 10th racing day of WWGC Lake Keepit began with a different sky with grey high clouds and the hint of rain in the distance. At briefing, weatherman Dave Shorter was once again confident that it would be another good soaring day. Task setter Bruce Taylor set AATs in all…

Great Racing Weather High Speeds at WWGC Lake Keepit

Jenny Ganderton Club Class Australia on the flight line It was another great soaring day at Lake Keepit. After oversetting the tasks on 10 January and hitting the sweet spot yesterday, the weather today exceeded expectations and all tasks were completed with fast times. The wind…

Australians Win 18m and Standard Classes at WWGC Lake Keepit

 Claire Scutter came in 2nd just behind teammate LisaTrotter for a great result in Standard Class. Sheepishly, after the landout of every competitor on 10 January, weather forecaster Dave Shorter and task setter Bruce Taylor presented the day’s analysis at Monday’s briefing.…
WWGC Lake Keepit LAnd D1 293


The weather forecast was for another good day with a later finish. An official rest day was declared for Saturday, when the weather was expected to be weaker and cooler. With much enthusiasm and hope, the fleet was launched. However, early starters – perhaps with an eye on the…
WWGC Lake KEepit SY 0666

Cumulus and changing conditions on good AAT day at WWGC Lake Keepit

Lisa Turner waiting to launch her ASG29. Today’s launch time was set for 11am. Dave Shorter forecast a good day but again cautioned that there would be an early cut off to soaring conditions and recommended that the pilots be in final glide by 4.30pm. Some shower activity was…
WWGC Lake Keepit 7 Jan SY 0557

Australians Win Two out of Three Classes

Ailsa McMillan won Day 4 of the championships in 18m Class flying 571.75km at 151.92 kph The showers that crossed the area last night brought little rain (1mm), however, they did clear the air of some of the smoke. The weather forecast was for a good day but lower altitude.…
WWGC Lake Keepit 7 Jan SY 573

WWGC Day 3 Redux - Good Racing Day

Alena Netusilova, Czech Republic won her second day in 18m Class The smoke that has been a major factor of the weather situation in eastern Australia over the last several weeks is still here, but today the visibility was expected to be much improved. After two days of racing…

WWGC Lake Keepit Day 2 Racing

The first gliders back were three Australians in Standard Class – Lisa Trotter, Claire Scutter and Cath Conway – who arrived in a line together with Sarah Arnold from the USA. Lisa said that they had all left ahead of the rest of the field. ‘The first 70km was really hard and we…
Lisa Turner 2110342

WWGC Lake Keepit Big Day One for Team Australia

Lisa Turner winning the day in 18M Class in her ASG 29 The weather forecast for today deteriorated slightly over night. The high pressure system centred in the ocean to the east of Australia brought more stable conditions. A trough is approaching from the west and forcing dry…

WWGC Lake Keepit Begins

The opening ceremony for WWGC Lake Keepit took place on 3 January. The teams from the ten competing countries lined up at the launch point of runway 32 in sunshine and heat. A Welcome to Country was given by James Hogbin of the Kamilaori Nation, the traditional custodians of the…