JWGC2015 Closing Ceremony

After a sunny and cheerful medal and tropphy presentation the 9th JWGC was officially closed by Max Stevens. The FAI flag handed over to Karolios Mikalauskas the captain of the Lithuanian team where the 10th JWGC will be held.

Junior World Gliding Champions are

STANDARD CLASS Australian Matthew Scutter finished in 22nd place on the day but maintained his commanding lead of the field to win the Standard Class Championship by 255 points. Robin Smit of the Netherlands beat Matthew, coming in 18th for the day, and also maintained his…

Robin Smit and Ronald Deerenberg win day at 158 kph

Robin Smit and Ronald Deerenberg from the Netherlands are the Standard Class joint winners of Day 9 with a lightning speed of 158 kph over the point to point task distance of 631.46 km. The two team members displayed incredible focus and discipline to muscle leader Matthew…

Matthew Scutter dominates Day 9 JWGC2015

The weather forecast at the beginning of the day showed highly unstable post trough conditions. Briefing was delayed by 45 minutes and it was uncertain if any tasks would be set at all. The tension was relieved when task sheets became available during the delayed briefing.

Dramatic finish to Day 7 JWGC2015

Dylan Lampard from Australia, flying in his first JWGC, won the day in Standard Class flying an LS8 with a speed of 104.56 km over 541.31 km. The day’s weather brought pre-frontal trough conditions with typical mixed air masses ahead of the trough. These conditions resulted in…

Record Day for Junior World Gliding at JWGC2015

Mateusz Siodloczek from Poland just beat Joris Vainius from Lithuania to take first place for the day in Standard Class on a record breaking day at JWGC2015. Climbs to over 13,000 ft above ground level were achieved under scattered cumulus. Flying the 611.59 km racing task at…

JWGC 2105 Day 5 Another Great Competition Day

After all the scores were in I asked Competition Director Adam Webb about the day. He said, 'As we expected the weather has continued to heat up after the front went through earlier in the week.

JWGC2015 Day 4 Success and rhythm

After watching the returning gliders on Day 4 I asked Operations Director Terry Cubley how he thought the day went. Terry said., 'Today you could begin to see that it was business as usual for the pilots. They were getting onto the rhythm. The griding was right the launching…

James Nugent youngest pilot to win day at World Gliding Championships

James Nugent today became the youngest pilot ever to win a World Gliding Competition day leading the pack in Club Class. He was followed by Nick Hanenburg from the Netherlands and Australian Joe O'Donnell. Matt Davis for Great Britain took first place in Standard Class followed…

Fire like a magnet at JWGC Day 3

Fredderik Noddelund from Denmark finished fifth in Standard Class on Day three placing his seventhafter two flying days of competition. Fredderik and several pilots were able to take advantage of a stubble fire perfectly placed on their task to help them home.

JWGC2015 - Narromine Day 2 Ailsa McMillan starts well in Standard Class

Ailsa McMillan was the top Australian pilot on the day finishing in seventh place.It was a strong start to JWGC2015 with Poland and Germany taking the first four placesin Standard Class. Mateusz Siodloczek took first place with fellow Pole Jacek Flis takingsecond place. Germans…