Hahnweide 8

The 56th Internationaler Hahnweide Wettbewerb concluded on 11 May after four racing days ans four days lost to bad weather.

The contest was held in 15m,18m, Open and 20m 2 Seat classes. The fastest flying day was 10 May when Julien Duboc, from France won 15m Class in his Ventus 2ax completing the 399km task at 127,00 kph. In 18m class Mario Kiessling, Germany flew 592,45 km at 127,76 kph. In Open Class German Markus Frank flew his EB29R around the 494,41 km course at a blistering 135,90 kph.

Full results at soaringspot.com/de/56-hww

Hahnweide 1

Hahnweide 6

podium 18

The winners of 18m class on the podium at Hahaweide. In 1st place Mario Kiessling, 2nd place Peter Harvey, 3rd place Sebastian Beule.