E Glide

New contest concept for sailplanes with electric power

The success of the FES electric MoP has encouraged significant growth in the number of sailplanes equipped with an electric motor and the development of new systems and installations. The ease of use and reliability of electric motors has attracted a considerable number of pilots, and sales of new gliders with electric motors is increasing. There are already more than 150 gliders flying in Europe with electric motors - some with a self launching capability. The ease with which an electric motor can be used has encouraged many pilots to use them in new and innovative ways; this provides an opportunity to explore new ideas to use them in competitions.


Pavullo in Italy will be the venue during the first week of September in 2019 for the first ever contest dedicated to sailplanes with an electric MoP.

The contest will include many new and exciting possibilities, including an opportunity for the pilots to use a limited amount of stored energy during the race. Each race will include an allowance of electrical energy that the pilot can use whenever he thinks appropriate. It could be used to avoid an outlanding or rescue from a low spot. Or it could be used to enhance the sailplane’s performance during the flight or on final glide.

The overall scoring will be based on each pilots elapsed time, similar to the scoring of the famous Tour De France cycle race. Pilots not completing the race will be allocated a time based on the slowest finisher’s time to ensure they will remain in the overall places during the contest.

The contest is intended to be an opportunity for all E capable glider owners and interested pilots to have some fun and to explore the possibilities of racing with electrically powered sailplanes. The organisation will be a joint team from FAI’s International Gliding Commission and the Aero Club of Pavullo.

The facilities at Pavullo are excellent for this contest and you can see the club’s location by visiting their web pages at   aeroclubpavullo.it

Dates 1st to 7th of September 2019
Venue Pavullo Northern Italy  goo.gl/maps
Contact        Antonio DI RONZA    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.