
After six racing days, Mario Kiessling, Ventus-3t, Germany increased his points total and won SGP Italy in a tense, low flying race. 

Italian Thomas Gostner won the day finishing the championships on 16 points. He completed the 209km course with a speed of just 62 kph which demonstrated the difficulty of the day. Mario came home 2nd finishing the SGP on 34 points. Alberto Sironi took 3rd place again today and finished in 2nd place overall with 33 points.

Podium final

Gilles Navas finished the contest in 3rd place overall and so still has a possibility of reaching the finals depending on how all the Series 11 qualifying contests finish up

Mario Kiessling and Alberto Sironi haved qualifed for the SGP Final next year in Pavulo, Italy.

 See interviiew with SPG Italy Winners Maro Keissling and Alberto Sironi

See interviiew with day winner Thomas Gostner

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