Contad Hartter glider1

Ronny Erikson won the final race at SGP Norway with Klaus Klambach taking 2nd place and Dirk Windmuller 3rd across the line after a 189.38 km task.

Conrad Hartter added no points to his score but had more than enough to win the contest with 39 points overall. Klaus Klambach took 2nd place with 31 points and Arne Martin Guettler 3rd place also on 31 points due to the tie-breaker.

Conrad and Klaus have qualified for the SGP finals at St Auban with Arne on the reserve list.

Overall podium

SGP Germany

The nex qualifying SGP starts on 26 May at Aalen Germany
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Race 5 Matthew Scutter Wins Race 5 at SGP Norway


Matthew Scutter won Race 5 flying the short 176.28 task at 122.8 kph. He added 10 points to his total putting him in 3rd place overall. He is 15 points behind Conrad Hutter who has 39 points. Conrad took 3rd place and he can relax now with his overall victory is assured.

Klaus Klambach took 2nd place today and he now has 23 points overall. There are fiive pilots with 21 points or more. The battle now is for 2nd place to secure a spot in the SGP Finals at St Auban.Depending which one of them finishes ahead in the final race tomorrow will determine the 2nd and 3rd places.

Podium R5

Race 4 Conrad Hartter Cements Lead at SGP Norway

R4 1

Conrad Hartter won Race 4 at SGP Starmoen and now has a commanding lead with 33 points overall. He completed the 295.62 km task at 126.1 kph for the longest and fastest race of the competition so far. With just two more races the GP his his to loose. Joachim Schwenk came hone 2nd and Michael Pfenig took 3rd position.

 Norway Podium 4

ABOVE: Joachim Schwenk 2nd, Conrad Hartter 1st and Michael Pfenig in 3rd place.

R4 2

R4 3

ABOVE: Three photos taken by Kato Kvitne as he approached the first turnpoint Follebu Utel.

Race 3 Ronny Eriksson Wins Race 3 at SGP Norway on Blue Day


Ronny Eriksson won Race 3 at SGP Norway completing the 260.22 km task with a speed of 101.4 kph. He was followed across the line by Arne Martin Guettler and Christoph Limppert in 3rd place.

The task toook the fleet over the flatlands to the south of Starmoen airfield. They then flew towards the mountains and valleys in the north.

It was a blue day again ans several pilots had to start their engines for a technical lando out. The pilots who were able to connect with stronger climbs and beat the others to the top of the thermals set the pace.
A task of 260km is set, proposing different challenges for the pilots.

Conrad Hartter gained another 5 points today keeping him at the top os the scorecard with 23 points overall. Dirk Windmuller is in 2nd placs oin 18 points after gaining 6 points with Ronnie and Arnie both on 17 points overall.

With three more races to go any of the top scoring pilots are within reach of the winers podium.

Task R3

Race 2 Klaus Klambach Wins Race 2 at SGP Norway 

Conrad Hartter

Klaus Klambach won Race 2 a Elverum Starmoen Airfield flying the 257.14 course at 119.7 kph. Conrad Hartter came 2nd adding 8 more competition points to keep in the top position after two races. Joachim Schwenk took 3rd place to put 7 points on his score card.

The conditions were forecast to be blue, but there were small cumulus in the northern part of the task area. The climbs were generally weak and if a pilot missed one they ended up in danger of landing out. Eight of the 15 pilots landed out demonstrating that it was a difficult day.


TOP PHOTO: Conrad Hartter coming home in 2nd place. ABOVE: Joachim Schwenk in 3rd place. BELOW: Elverum Starmoen Airfield


Race 1 SGP Norway Race 1 Won by Conrad Hartter

Norway Podium 1

Konrad Hartter crossed the finish line in 1st place to win Race 1 with an average speed of 121.3kph after completing the 178 km task. He was followed by Australian Matthew Scutter and Christof Limpert in 3rd place.

The weather lookd good for the rest of the competition with 6 more races to come.


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