3June Kawa

The low pressure system continued to develop and was forecast to bring rain in the region. Looking out the window from briefing, low and high clouds could be seen hanging over the mountains and it was uncertain whether or not a task would be possible.

In the end, conditions improved sufficiently for a 188km task to be set. The first turnpoint was 25km north at Mont Louis. Over-development and high cloud made the conditions challenging.

After the start, the choice was to turn hard left and go to the ridges to the north or to climb, which all but two pilots did.

However, Didier Hauss and Gintas Zube went a bit south and up the valley instead. At first this didn't seem to pay off for them, but eventually they got a very good climb and arrived at the first turnpoint much higher than everyone else.

Heading down the second 69km leg, Didier pushed out far ahead and to the north of track. Mike Young and Pete Temple kept closer to track but their climbs were not as good.

Meanwhile Sebastian flew even further north where he eventually connected with higher convection and was over 3,500m, at least 1,000m above the rest of the fleet.


Sebastian Kawa after winning race 2

Didier went through the 2nd turnpoint but needed a climb and this slowed him down.

Pete Temple came into the turnpoint below 2,000m but did not stop to climb and headed out on track followed by Mike Young and Jon Gatfield.

Didier pushed ahead but got stuck below the ridge before the turnpoint and spent many minutes in a slow climb.

By this time Sebastian, who was behind but already had more altitude than he needed for final climb, cruised through the final two turnpoints to win the day.


Didier finished less that two minutes behind him to take second place. After scoring five points on the first race, this gave him a total score of 13 points and he is now at the top of the score card with Tilo Holighaus, also on 13 points.

There was a battle for the 3rd to 6th places. Łukasz Wójcik streaked ahead of Mike Young who gave chase and was only 400m behind him as they approached the finishing line. Lucas held him off to take 3rd place.

However, Mike had missed the start line and was 68m above the maximum start height, costing him a 436 second time penalty and putting him in 8th place, earning two points.

Jon Gatfield, Louis Bouderlique and Pete Temple are in 4th, 5th and 6th places, taking them out of the zero points club.

The contest continues on 4 June. Stay tuned for Race  3 of the 9th FAI Sailplane Grand Prix Champion title, Madrid time. Wherever you are in the world, keep up with all the action at http://sgp.aero/finals2019.Full Results

Report by Sean Young