Dylan Lampard from Australia, flying in his first JWGC, won the day in Standard Class flying an LS8 with a speed of 104.56 km over 541.31 km.

The day’s weather brought pre-frontal trough conditions with typical mixed air masses ahead of the trough. These conditions resulted in increasing high cloud associated with the trough, complex cumulus and convergences, and a challenging flying day from Narromine.

As the high cloud moved into the area from the west, the tasks for both classes were changed on the grid. Standard Class was set a 4:30 AAT, with a maximum distance of 770 km. Club Class was set a point to point task of 360.51 km.

Racing tactics again dominated the competition. Standard Class vied for advantage and mostly left well after the start gate had opened. As the day progressed and the weather continued to move in from the west, this may have been a crucial factor in the day’s outcome.

Dramatically, more than 20 Standard Class gliders landed out, many either within the finishing circle or less than 20 km from Narromine.

Two notable landouts were Jakub Pulawski and Mateusz Siodloczek from Poland. They lost valuable ground to Australian Matthew Scutter, who finished second for the day but consolidated his lead to 262 points from new second place holder Sebastian Nagel of Germany.

Nagel was the only German Standard Class pilot to land back at Narromine, achieving third place. His two compatriots, Thilo Scheffler and Simon Briel, both landed well short of the finish line.

Alex McCaw from New Zealand finished ninth on the day but his consistently solid performance saw him rise to third position overall after six racing days.


All but two Club Class Pilots finished the 360.51 km task. Robin Diesterweg of Germany flying an ASW19B came in first followed by Karel Novak of Czech Republic and Lithuanian Ringaudas Kikalas.

The top stick speed in Club Class was once again achieved by Australian James Nugent at 101.99kph, with fellow Aussies Joseph O'Donnell and Eric Stauss just behind at 100.91 and 100.61 kph.

After six competition days, Tom Arscott of Great Britain retains the Club Class lead followed by compatriot Sam Roddie with German Robin Diesterweg in third position.


Despite the dramatic finish to the day, enthusiasm remained high for the traditional International Night. All of the competing teams set up tables in the briefing hangar and served delicacies and traditional fare from their native countries.

The Swiss team served chocolate, the Czechs beer, Americans Mexican food [of course ED]. Team USA also served their most traditional food of all, the 'S’More', a sweet combination of toasted marshmallows, chocolate and biscuit. The Finns served strange homemade beverages and the Australians served Vegemite sandwiches. Yum!


Tomorrow is an official rest day. The timing is fortuitous, not only due to the party, which continues as I write, but also to the rapidly approaching weather that would make Day 8 at JWGC 2015 an even greater flying challenge than Day7.

See full results at JWGC2015 Results

Sean Young