Ailsa McMillan won Day 4 of the championships in 18m Class flying 571.75km at 151.92 kph
The showers that crossed the area last night brought little rain (1mm), however, they did clear the air of some of the smoke. The weather forecast was for a good day but lower altitude. Showers, although possible, were not forecast to be as prevalent as yesterday. But the day was likely to shut down rather early at about 4.30pm. Racing tasks were set again today, 18m Class were set 561.75km. The track was all to the north with the furthest point 230km north. Standard Class were set 454.29 km and Club Class 406.42km.
Anna Piotrowska from Poland in Standard Class
The Championships end on Friday 17 January. There will be one compulsory rest day. That leaves the possibility of eight more race days, so there is a lot of flying to come, weather/smoke permitting. We have already had four competition days with tasks from 300 to nearly 500km. This is a marathon and the competitors must keep up their performance level until the end.
Task setter Bruce Taylor explained that the rules require that no single type of task be set for more than two-thirds of the competition. There are two types task – racing and AAT. Especially at this level, many people prefer racing tasks, although Alena Netusilova in an interview this morning said that she loves AATs. In any case, we will be sure to have more AATs before the end of the contest.
Soon after launch, CU were seen to the north and gliders were climbing to about 9,000ft and the conditions were very good.
Ailsa McMillan had a fast day, flying the 561.75km at 151.92 kph to win the day and 1,000 points in 18m Class. Elizabeth Sparrow, Great Britain, came 2nd at 151.14 kph followed by Stephanie Mule from Germany at 145.32 kph.
Mélanie Gadoulet from France in now in first place in 18m Class followed by Anne Ducarouge Alena Netusilov an Elizabeth Sparow in 4th. Ailsa is in 6th position overall.
Lisa Trotter is in 4th place overall in Standard Class
In Standard Class, world champion Aude Grangeray took 1st place, flying the 454.29 km course at 131.30 and beating Ayala Truelove who flew at 129.7 kph to take 2nd place. Anna Piotrowska from Poland took 3rd position coming in at 129.46 kph followed by Sarah Arnold USA at 129.17 kph. Sarah is at the top of the Standard Class followed by Anna with Aude now in 3rd place overall. Australian Lisa Trotter is in 4th position overall after coming in 7th today
Claire Scutter in Standard Class
Australian Jo Davis had an excellent day flying the 406.62km course at 121.71 kph, beating yesterday’s winner German Christine Grote who finished at 116.28 kph. Jo’s teammate Jenny Ganderton took 3rd position at 118 kph and Christine’s teammate, reigning world champion Sabrina Vogt. Jo is in 1st place overall followed by Celine Rault from France and Christine Grote. In 4th place is Judita Czyz from Poland.
The Championships end on Friday 17 January. There will be one compulsory rest day. That leaves the possibility of eight more race days, so there is a lot of flying to come, weather/smoke permitting. We have already had four competition days with tasks from 300 to nearly 500km. This is a marathon and the competitors must keep up their performance level until the end.","frameborder":"0","allow":"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture","allowfullscreen":"allowfullscreen"}}" width="799" height="438">","frameborder":"0","allow":"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture","allowfullscreen":"allowfullscreen"}}" width="799" height="438">","frameborder":"0","allow":"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture","allowfullscreen":"allowfullscreen"}}" width="799" height="438">","frameborder":"0","allow":"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture","allowfullscreen":"allowfullscreen"}}" width="799" height="438">