The opening ceremony for WWGC Lake Keepit took place on 3 January. The teams from the ten competing countries lined up at the launch point of runway 32 in sunshine and heat.

A Welcome to Country was given by James Hogbin of the Kamilaori Nation, the traditional custodians of the area. The Deputy Mayor Rob Hoke welcomed all the competitors and Lake Keepit SC president Tim Carr introduced each pilot. Gisela Weinreich officially opened the Championships for the FAI.

The three official training days had very strong thermal conditions with some high cumulus. On 2 January CB cells developed and delivered wind, dust, lightning and a very few raindrops to this parched land.

https://www.youtube.com/embed/o7-qTb5Sfc4","frameborder":"0","allow":"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture","allowfullscreen":"allowfullscreen"}}" width="880" height="495">



Today is a rest day. The first flying day of the Championships is tomorrow, Saturday 4 January. The weather forecast is for a temperature of 42° C, thermals up to 12,000ft and light north westerlies.

Follow all the action as it happens. Watch Video of Opening Ceremony https://youtu.be/o7-qTb5Sfc4

Video news at
YouTube Gliding Australia

Results will be posted daily at soaringspot.com and wwgc2019.com



You can see the Championship Program online with details of all the competitors