SGP SloveniaPodium Final

Partick Puskeiler, Mario Kiessling and David Bauder on the winners podium at SGP Slovenia

Race 6
After a blisteringly fast 386.18km race Mario Kiessling won his 3rd race and SGP Sloveniia in style flying the course at 176.6 kph. What a great finish to the contest which saw weak weather at the beginning of the week but finished with classic weather conditions in the region.

David Bauder came 2nd on the day cementing his 2nd place position overall. Mario and David have now qualified to compete in the finals in St Auban 24 - 30 August 2025..

Tilo Holighaus took 3rd place in race 6. Fellow German Partick Puskeiler came 3rd overall with 28 points.

Full results at

The next Qualifying SGP is  sgp is Saint-Sulpice, France  18m Class  21 to 28 July 2024

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Race 5
The weather has immproved and the course  for Race 5 was 363.76km. Mario Kiessling won his second day at a high speed of 144.7kph. Today Mario rounded all the turnpoints and crosssed the finish line incurring no penalty points. With 40 competition points and just one more race to go he is 17 points ahead of the nearest two competitors on 23 points. Mario can now relax as he is the SGP Slovenia champion. Tilo Holighaus came 2nd on the day followed by David Bauder in 3rd place.

In joint 2nd position overall both Boris Žorž and Patrick Puskeiler both have 23 points. David Bauder and Stanislaw Biela are in jount 3rd place wqith 21 points each.

Slovenia Podium 4

Jiles Navas, Stanislaw Biela annd David Bauder the winners of Race 4

Race 4
The course for Race 4 was 159.11km in still difficult weather conditions. Stanislaw Biela from Poland won the day flying the task at 112.8 kph gaining 10 points putting him on 17 points overall. Frenchman Jiles Navas broke his duck to win his first 8 points taking 2nd place. Mario Kiessling had the fastest time flying the course at 113.49kph. But he was beaten into 4th place by fellow German David Bauder due to incurring a 300 second penalty for landing withoud crossing the finish line for the second day in a row. Mario retains the overall lead with 30 points.

Race 3 was a short task of 106.26km. German pilot Patrick Puskeile took 1st place at 97.4kph which does demonstrate that this was not the strongest soaring day. Patrick incurred a 420 seconds penalty for not rounding a turnpoint correctly and not crossing the finish line before landing. Howerver,  Mario Kiessling was forced into 2nd place despite finishing first after incurring a 540 second penalty for missing two turnpoints and also not crossing hte finish line. Nevertheless the eight points he gained has kept him in the top spot overall with 24 compettion points.


Jernej Lokovsek won Race 1 and 5th place in Race 2 at SGP Slovenia.

Jernej Lokovsek took 3rd place flying the course at 71.4kph with no penalty points. He retains his 2nd place overall with 20 competition points.

Race 2 was a course of 187.77km. Mario Kiessling won the day at a speed of 128.3kph. He was followed across the line by Boris Žorž from the local club, ALC Lesce. Tilo Holighaus came 3rd gaining his first 7 points. After two races Mario is in the lead with 16 points. Local pilot Jernej Lokovsek is in 2nd place with 13 points with Žorž in 3rd on 12 points.


SGP Slovenia, the latest qualifying  round of Series 12  is underway at Lesce Airfield. Race 1 was won by local pilot Jernej Lokovsek who crossed the finish line first, almost half an hour ahead of the second-placed Mario Kiessling  and third-placed Luka Žnidaršič . The pilots encountered difficult weather including a strong shower on the first leg that forced them to wait.

Podium 1

You can see how the races unfolded at

Full race results at

