Stefan Langer IGC Champion Pilot - World Soaring Cup Stefan Langer, 18m World Gliding Champion and the recipeint of the 2024 IGC Champion Pilot of the Year award. At the IGC Plenary meeting in… Comps Stefan Langer IGC Champion Pilot - World Soaring Cup
Australian National League - Ingo Renner Cup 2025 The Ingo Renner Cup is the Australian National League Championships scored on WeGlide. The southern summer spans the calendar new year, so… Comps Australian National League - Ingo Renner Cup 2025
Sophie Curio New Australian Club Class Champion set for WWGC Zbraslavice The new Club Class Australian National Champion, Sophie Curio on the grid at Temora. After seven consecutive racing days, Sophie Curio is… Comps Sophie Curio New Australian Club Class Champion set for WWGC Zbraslavice
Comps South African National League - Bateleur Cup 2025 The Ingo Bateleur Cup is the South African National League Championships scored on WeGlide. The southern summer spans the calendar new…
Flights Gordon Boettger and Brad Jackson Fly 1,309 km at 223kph in Monster Wave at Minden Gordon Boettger has continued his run of long wave flights from Minden, Nevada. On February 18 2025 he flew 1,309 km in his Arcus with with…
SGP FAI Sailplane Grand Prix (SGP) Series13 Announced - Finals at Vitacura , Chile The FAI/SGP management team are pleased to announce the award of the 13th series FAI SGP final to the CLUB DE PLANEADORES DE VITACUR in…
Series 12 Sailplane Grand Prix at Gawler A small but enthusiastic group of pilots made their way to Gawler in January for the Australian Series 12, Sailplane Grand Prix. Ben…
Flights Tomas Suchanek Long Distance Flights from Narromine Czech pilot Tomas Suchanek has flown ten flights of over 900km between November 2024 and 2 January 2025 from Narromine, Australia – and…
Comps Australian Multiclass Nationals 2024 - Lake Keepit Adam Woolley landing his Ventus 3 after flying the first ever FAI 1,000km triangle from Lake Keepit. After two good practise days, the…
Records International Gliding Records 2024 Several World Record glider flights have been submitted for ratification during 2024. This is now the height of the southern hemisphere…
WGC Big Sky Texas - Australians at WGC Uvalde Texas ABOVE: Adam Woolley cruising on course. Sean Young with contributions and photos from Adam Woolley, Matthew Scutter, Lumpy Patterson, Keith…
SGP FAI Sailplane Grand Prix - Series 13 Bids for Final Invited Bids for FAI Sailplane Grand Prix Final Series 13.The closing date for bids to host the final of the13th series is the 31st January 2025.…
WGC WGC 18m, 20m Multiseat and Open Classes Uvalde The new 18m Class World Champion Stefan Langer ready to launch at WGC Uvalde The World Gliding Championships in Open, 18m and 20m Multi…
Comps European Gliding Championships - Tábor, Czech Republic 3 - 17 August Jacek Flis, winner Club Class in his LS3. The European Gliding Championships - Tábor in 15m, Standard and Club classes. The championships…
WGC Junior World Gliding Championships 13.5m WGC Ostrow Poland Max Maslak Germany new Junior World Gliding Champion in Standard Class After 11 racing days the new Junoir World Gliding Champions in Club…
Features Sebastian Kawa and Sebastian Kot Lampart Fly Over K2 Sebastian Kawa and Sebastian Kot Lampart were the first people to fly over the summit of K2 in a glider on 20 July 2024.
Series 12 FAI Sailplane Grand Prix France - Saint-Sulpice After three races with four cancelled due to bad weather, Adrien Henry won SGP France with 24 competition points. Christophe Abadie took…
Series 12 SGP Slovenia Partick Puskeiler, Mario Kiessling and David Bauder on the winners podium at SGP Slovenia Race 6After a blisteringly fast 386.18km race…
Comps EuroGlide 2024 24 June - 5 July Euroglide is athe gliding race over more than 2500 kilometres through several european countries. Euroglide is organised by the Venlo…
Series 12 Didier Hauss Declared Winner SGP Varese Italy The final two races of SGP Varese were cancelled due to bad weather. Didier Hauss was declared the winner after scoring 35 points in total.…
Series 12 Björn Gintzel Wins SGP Germany After three racing days Björn Gintzel won SGP Germany with two day wins giving him 20 points in total. Steffen Gottler took 2nd place with…
Series 12 Conrad Hartter Wins SGP Norway Ronny Erikson won the final race at SGP Norway with Klaus Klambach taking 2nd place and Dirk Windmuller 3rd across the line after a 189.38…
Features Jim Payne - World Altitude Record Holder talks to Gliding News Jim Payne is the World Altitude Record holder in a sailplane and Chief Pilot of the Perlan Project. Jim has beaten his own numerous records…
Comps Hahnweide The 56th Internationaler Hahnweide Wettbewerb concluded on 11 May after four racing days ans four days lost to bad weather. The contest was…
Series 12 Maximillian Seis Wins SGP Spain Santa Cilia After an exciting final race Max Seis cruised home to win the first qualifying round of SGP Series 12 at Santa Cilia. Fellow Frenchman…
Series 12 Series 12 Sailplane Grand Prix Dates Series 12 FAI Sailplane Grand Prix Qualifying Contests and Finals For more information visit FAI/SGP 12th Series Final St Auban in…
Gliders Ventus E Maiden Flight Schempp-Hirth made the maiden flight of the Ventus E electro self launcher Sport fuselage on the Hahnweide airfield 25 April 2024 with…
Flights Yves Gerster 1328km from St Auban, Corsica, Italy, Alps 24 March 2024 Yves leaving the coast of France. Over Corsica Reaching the coast of Italy Flying back to St Auban over the French Alps
Flights Baptiste Innocent and Frank Chatelard 823km 92kph Fayence 19-March 2024 Baptiste Innocent and Frank Chatelard 823km 92kph Fayence 19-March 2024
Flights Gordon-Boettger - Bruce Campbell 2098 km Minden 17 April 24 Gordon Boettger and Bruce Campbell flew 2098 km in wave from Minden 17 March 2024.See the full details at WeGlide
Flights Gerd Spiegelberg, 709 km 98 kph La Cerdanya 18 March 2022 Gerd Spiegelberg, 709 km 98 kph La Cerdanya 18 March 2022
Flights Lumpy Patterson - Potchefstroom JS5 Australian Lumpy Patterson from Tocumwal Soaring Centre has been flying the newest Jonker Sailplane, the JS5 at Potchefstroom, the home of…
Flights Send Your Flight Details Have you had a goof flight that you want o share? Send us photos, IGC flies and some details and we will feature it in our Flights section.…
Flights Gordon Boettger Minden 12 March 2024 Gordon Boettger who flew an astonishing 3,058 km from MInden in 2023 achieved 1,095 km at 167 kph in wave from Minden on 12 March 2024. A…
Comps IGC Delegates take a look at the Integral E Electric Tow-plane Delegates to the IGC plenary meeting in Toulouse paid a visit to Aura Aero to take a look at the Integral E tow-plane that is in…
WGC Junior World Gliding Championships awarded to Elchingen, Germany August 2026 Aalen-Heidenheim/Elchingen airfield will host the JWGC in August 2026. Luftsportring Aalen was officially awarded the contract by the…
Comps Alena Netušilová - IGC Champion Pilot of the Year 2023 Alena Netušilová has been named as FAI International Gliding Commission (IGC) Champion Pilot of the Year 2023 for winning the 18m class at…
Comps Club Class Handicaps Updated The handicaps for Club Class in international competitions were updated at the IGC pllenary meeting ain March. The handicaps were last…
SGP Hall of Fame - World Champions Stefan Langer11th FAI World Sailplane Grand Prix Pavoulo Italy 2023 Sebastian Kawa 1st FAI World Sailplane Grand Prix Saint Auban - France…
Features Gliding in the French Alps Flying the 'Royal Way', a designated airspace route across des Ecrins National Park. By Sean Young One of the great things about gliding is…
WGC Narromine New World Gliding Champions Declared at 37th WGC Narromine James Nugent, Australia, the new Club Class WGC Champion with Uwe Wahlig, Germany in Silver medal and Stefan Langer in Bronze Medal…
WGC Narromine WGC Narromine - Competitors 15 Metre Class Tobi Geiger Ventus 2ax Australia Adam Woolley Ventus 3t Australia Francois Delfosse JS3 Belgium Manu Litt JS3 BelgiumJan…
WGC Narromine Weather Stirs up the Winners Table on 2nd Last Day The trough that produced the squall line that passed through the task area yesterday evening, was still visable to the east of Narromine in…
WGC Narromine Competitors Beat Storm Front Across the Line Race 8 at Narromine After two no fly days, the first due to extreme heat with wind and stable blue conditions, the second due to enveloping bushfire somke over…
WGC Narromine James Nugent Wins Race 7 in Club Class Janes Nugent, Australia, landing after winning Race 7 in ClubClass. By Sean Young, Editor Gliding News CLUB CLASS Today, the conditions…
WGC Narromine Adam Woolley Wins 15m Class Race 6 for Australia Adam Woolley, Australia, landing after winning Race 6 in 15m Class. Crossing the finish line at a blistering 151.54 kph, flying 546.93km,…
WGC Narromine Race 5 at WGC Narromine – Low Blue But Not Windy Uys Lonker, 15m Class, South Africa, landing after winning Race 5. The weather forecast for the day predicted thermals up to 10,000 ft.…
WGC Narromine Classic Narromine Setup Glider pilots all around the world spend their days sitting in their offices at home or at work checking the weather for the coming days to…
WGC Narromine Australian James Nugent Keeps Top Place in Club Class James Nugent, Australia, Club Class CLUB CLASS James Nugent, Australia, flew 412.98 km at 117.32 kph in an AAT task taking 3rd place for…
WGC Narromine Bruce Taylor Wins Standard Class Race 3 for Australia The forecast was for another blue day with a later start but better thermal heights than the day before. On track the prediction was…
WGC Narromine Netherlands Establish Early Lead in 15m Class at Narromine Sjaak Selen, Netherlands Standard Class is in 5th place after Race 2 but only 48 points behind the leader Makoto Ichikawa, Japan. The sky…
WGC Narromine New Trough Approaches as Gliders Launch on Final Practice Day Kim Toppari from Finland after landing in his ASW20b on the last practice day at WGC Narromine. New Trough Approaches as Gliders Launch on…
WGC Narromine Great Soaring With Strong Winds Phillip Jonker On Task Standard Class , South Africa After a night of thunderstorms and high winds Narromine put on a strong day but with…
WGC Narromine Dutch and Australians Take Top Places in 15m Class Race 1 Tobias Geiger Australia Ventus 2ax The forecast weather was blue skies with the possibility of cumulus to 8,000ft. Strong 4 - 5kt thermals…
WGC Narromine Full Grid for Unofficial Practice Day Most of the pilots taking part in WGC Narromine have now arrived at the competition. The first official practice day is Tuesday 28…
WGC Narromine WORLD OF GLIDING AT NARROMINE James Nugent, the new World Gliding Champion, Club Class, in the LS3 he flew to victory at WGC Narromine. By Sean Young After years of…
WGC Narromine WGC Narromine Opening Ceremony Teams from 21 countries paraded at Cale Oval Narromine. Australian Club Class team James Nugent and Daniel Summers. Adam Woolley,15m class.…
WGC Narromine Winner Interviews WGC Narromine Club Class World Gliding Champion James Nugent Australia WGC Narromine Sliver Medal Standard Class Gregory Beecroft Australia…
WGC Narromine WORLD OF GLIDING AT NARROMINE James Nugent, the new World Gliding Champion, Club Class, in the LS3 he flew to victory at WGC Narromine. By Sean Young, Editor Gliding…
WGC Narromine Last Unofficial Practice day at WGC Narromine Last Unofficial Practice Day at WGC Narromine Tobi Geiger, Sebastian Kawa and Adam Woolley preparing to fly in 15m Class on the last…
SGP Series 12 FAI SGP Dates Series 12 FAI Sailplane Grand Prix Qualifying Contests The venues and dates for the 12th series of FAI Sailplane Grand Prix (SGP) national…
Features The Apennine Way Sailplane Grand Prix Finals Pavullo Italy Flying over the Apennines near Pavullo. By Sean Young The final competition of Series 11 Sailplane Grand Prix took place at the small town…
Records Minden - Gordon Boettger & Bruce Campbell 3,058km On 19 June 2023 Gordon Boettger & Bruce Campbell flew a 3,058km from Minden-Tahoe Nevada USA. Using night vision goggles the pair launched…
Comps 6th FAI Junior European Gliding Championship After five racing days with mixed weather the Junior European championships in Amborg Denmark concluded with winners declared in Club and…
Comps 12th FAI Women's World Gliding Championship - Champions Declared After eight racing days at Garray, Spain, the Women's World Gliding Champions have been decided in three classes . Club Class1 HG Louise…
Comps FAI Gliding Awards 2022 The 2022 FAI Gliding Awards were announced at the annual IGC Plenary meeting in Copenhagen February 2023 Jana Veprekova recipient of the…
Comps Luka Znidarsic Luka Znidarsic the creator of the Friint Engine System, FES, talks to Sean Young about the development of FES on Day 6 E4Glide St Auban
Comps Tilo Holighaus at E4Glide Tilo Holighaus talks about e4glide with Sean Young during the contest at Saint Auban
Comps Women's World Gliding Championships - New Champions Declared at Husbands Bosworth After eight racing days WWGC Husbands Bosworth concluded with champions declared in 18M Standard and Club classes. 18 M Class1 Anne…
Features NSW Coaching week - Flying With the Best Flying with Allan Barnes in lead and follow. By Sean Young The NSW Coaching week was delayed from November to February due to the…
Features Two-Up in Hungary - World Gliding Championships Szeged Allan Barnes and Harry Medlicott landiing the Arcus at Szeged. By Allan Barnes and Sean Young Sean Young - Good Weather but Challenging…
Features Gawler 2001: the introduction of Club Class WGC and Grand Prix In the late 1990s, Australia submitted a bid to host the 2001 World Gliding Championships at Gawler in South Australia. The standards…
Features Two-Up in Hungary - World Gliding Championships Szeged Allan Barnes and Harry Medlicott landiing the Arcus at Szeged. By Allan Barnes and Sean Young Sean Young - Good Weather but Challenging…
Comps Giorgio Galetto Wins E4Glide at St Auban Giorgio Galetto after winning e4Glide By Sean Young On the first two days of e4glide, the weather provided good soaring conditions. Matthew…
Comps e4glide Saint Auban September 2022 e4glide is the fourth eglide format competition is now underway at the Centre National de Vol à Voile (CNVV) in Saint Auban, France 11 - 17…
Comps WGC Hungary - New Champions in 18M, Open and 20M Multi-Seat Classes New 18m World Gliding Champion Christope Abadie landing on the final day of WGC Szeged. 18M Class After an exciting final race at WGC…
Comps Fast Speeds on Day 11 WGC Hungary Michael Sommer reigning World Champion in Open Class won the day but looks to be out of reach of a podium position at the end of the…
Comps Big Tasks Set for Day 10 WGC Hungary Tilo Holighaus with the Australian 20m team, Allan Barnes and Harry Medlicott. The previous two days were affected by a low pressure system…
Comps Windy Start to 2nd Week at WGC Szeged After a rest day, tasks were set for Day 7 of WGC Szeged. The weather was affected by a front passing to the north, bringing windy and…
Features Attila Bertok's Narromine adventures I was really looking forward to the 2021 flying season after my friend Tomas Suchanek and I bought our ASW20 last year. I am getting used…
Features Fair Weather at Temora At the beginning of January, Bathurst Soaring Club pilots packed up their gliders and drove the three hours south to the annual Temora…
Features Narromine Cup 23 Years Young The first Narromine Cup was held in 1998 by Beryl Hartley and Chris Stephens as a way of introducing pilots to competition flying in a…
SGP Sebastian Kawa Wins 10th FAI SGP World Championships after Electrifying Final Race After five race days, the weather for the final race looked excellent, and the pilots are refreshed after a rest day yesterday. The…
Features Jonker Sailplanes Jonker JS2 Self-launcher Many pilots have been patiently waiting for a high-performance, versatile, easy-to-fly self-launcher. Finally, JS is wrapping up the…
SGP Hall of Fame - World Champions Sebastian Kawa 1st FAI World Sailplane Grand Prix Saint Auban - France 20052nd FAI World Sailplane Grand Prix Omarama - New Zealand 20073rd…
Comps 36th World Gliding Championships Montluçon-Guéret - France 2021 The World Gliding Championships in Standard, 15M and Club Classes at Montluçon-Guéret has concluded. There were nine racing days all flown…
Comps WGC Hosin Concludes after 12 Exceptional Racing Days The new World champion in 18m class is Wolfgang Janowitch from Austria, second place Mario Kiessling from Germany, third place wastaken by…
SGP Race to the finish line on last day of SGP Finals 9th FAI Sailplane Grand Pxix World Champion Tilo Hiloghaus after landing on the final day of the competition. He sadi, 'I am exhausted but…
Comps 11th FAI Junior World Gliding Championship 2019, Szeged, Hungary The JWGC Hungary is now over and the winnerd declared Standard Class1 Simon Schröder Germany LS-8-15 7,4222 Simon Briel Germany Discus 2B…
Comps Junior World Gliding Champions After ten racing days JWGC Tabor concluded with champions declared in Standard and Club classes. New Junior World Gliding Champion,…
Comps WWGC Lake Keepit Concludes With New Champions Declared The closing ceremony of the WWGC Lake Keepit saw the French team receive the gold medal for their combined peformance followed by Great…
Comps E Glide Concept Contest Pavullo Markus Uhlig flew in the E-Glide Concept Contest in September. Here are his impressions of this new type of glider contest where engine use…
Comps 20th European Gliding Championships Champions Declared 20th European Gliding Championships StalowaWola, Poland After a competition punctuated by much wet weather, five competition days were…
Comps The European Gliding Championships Prievidza Slovakia The European Gliding Championships Prievidza Slovakia After 12 Flying Days Champions in Standard, Club and 15 m classes were declared at…
Comps New contest concept for sailplanes with electric power New contest concept for sailplanes with electric power The success of the FES electric MoP has encouraged significant growth in the number…
Comps E Glide Concept Contest The 1st E-Glide Contest Pavullo Italy took place 31 August - 7 September 2019. The scoring was very successfully conducted remotely by…